
Isolated: A Podcast Shedding Light on Male Victims

Isolated Podcast - Bringing to Light Male Victims of Abuse - Men can be Victims, Too


It is estimated that 4 out of 10 men are abused by a domestic partner, and this constitutes only the 10% of reported cases. The stereotype that men are abusers and women are victims is false and dangerous.


Abused men are alarmingly underserved and resources for help are minimal. Men are often disbelieved or humiliated if they attempt to report their abuse and feel completely isolated and alone in their terror.


We are not therapists or experts in the field but seek to bring these issues to light and bring awareness to early warning signs of abusive behavior and resources for help. We seek to create a community of safety and for you to know you are not alone. We know you are out there, we know you are hurting, and we know the devastation of relentless abuse.


Check out Isolated, here.